Minecraft but It's Real Life 💎⛏️ #shorts #cartoonbox #animation
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@frameorder5 ай бұрын
Don't forget to hit that subscribe button for more episodes!
@itachi622173 ай бұрын
@Philip-s1k2 ай бұрын
I did!
@БектеналыУсупбеков2 ай бұрын
@KomolaQodirova-iw4iyАй бұрын
@MikaelSohlman24 күн бұрын
More like minecraft but it's animenated
@FebriandaUtama5 ай бұрын
That's how employees work towards the company
@y_short_s5 ай бұрын
@gamingmovies-ay995 ай бұрын
@@y_short_s It's reality
@mememe8585 ай бұрын
The best communist comment of the day
@lelevontin18145 ай бұрын
You are right. And for the peoples that saying no. They are the biggest problems and biggest sheeps.
@comando555lozam35 ай бұрын
@@gamingmovies-ay99no para nada
@sheshadribadri79065 ай бұрын
Best example of difference between employee and business man
@sumitkamthan36045 ай бұрын
@sumayohuseiN5 ай бұрын
@shubham_patil59255 ай бұрын
Yeah 😢
@cnararasfiliz3 ай бұрын
@ОлегСаматов-е9н3 ай бұрын
За кусок золота кирку ты шутишь 😂
@Edward-s7o9s5 ай бұрын
Funny reels ❌ Realistic reel✅
@THAKOR_Jii4 ай бұрын
Reel ❌ Sort ✅
@tyarivone13 күн бұрын
Sort ❌ Short ✅
@VICKY-h1m9s4 ай бұрын
Rich man is always rich🤑 Poor man is always poor🙄 Good example 😢😢
@VICKY-h1m9s4 ай бұрын
It's true
@njengamwaura27553 ай бұрын
😂😂😂😂😂😂 ❤❤😂😂
@WindRacer5 ай бұрын
What a life Soooo sooo sad😢😢
@relaxationpalm87855 ай бұрын
люди сами выбрали свой путь, да и не все могут быть бизнесменам или тому подобному. Так как нравственные устои, навыки, интелект, черты характера, состояние, здоровье, желание, а может просто человек не хочет быть каким-то богатым и его все устраивает)
@WindRacer5 ай бұрын
@@relaxationpalm8785 hi
@LynPermejo4 ай бұрын
What a life Sooooo sooo sad😢
@icsess1415 ай бұрын
Hamster combat airdrop 😂
@jumagodwin81825 ай бұрын
@V-AlienTP5 ай бұрын
@Thinkdomnomics5 ай бұрын
@Merryangesom5 ай бұрын
@greenerlight66705 ай бұрын
😂😂😂 why would you bring that up when there is still season 2
@Dekku5 ай бұрын
Basically what's happening with Generative AI
@trabadix5 ай бұрын
@Dekku5 ай бұрын
@@trabadix Only people who made money are those who sell the hardware
@christancone24319 күн бұрын
@@Dekku Yea, Nvedia is the seller 😅
@cicerovieira10 күн бұрын
Information Security is the top job in IT. At least in my country. Where do you talk from ?
@valera56895 ай бұрын
Как говорится - во времена золотой лихорадки, больше всех заработали денег продавцы лопат.
@deadman53045 ай бұрын
Are you a Russian , मी मराठी आहे, भारतीय, ही भाषा आहे मराठी, ❤ love you
@Sevidmir24 күн бұрын
@@deadman5304 вау! приветствую
@ThisFire-Burns5 ай бұрын
You mean no matter how much creative we are, companies like adobe, Microsoft etc etc will never pay us what we truly deserve
@comando555lozam35 ай бұрын
Porque no pueden deberías ver la de gastos que tienen
@ThisFire-Burns5 ай бұрын
@@comando555lozam3 English please
@wiLdKraTTsKidd5 ай бұрын
@@ThisFire-Burnsuse a translator
@ThisFire-Burns5 ай бұрын
@@comando555lozam3 seriously? From now on they'll mostly rely on AI, it's just a matter of time When they'll create an alternative of every tool with AI
@shubham_patil59255 ай бұрын
So true and their CEO's living best life doing crimes but no one can talk against them even governments
@bryanjimemez68265 ай бұрын
Tiene su tremenda moraleja; si trabajas para gastarlo y no inviertes seras esclavo del trabajo😮❤
@CristianDíazestradaАй бұрын
@CristianDíazestradaАй бұрын
@Александр-з2ь7ц13 күн бұрын
Да, куда предложите инвестировать?
@AnimaniaTV.5 ай бұрын
एक दिन यह कार्टून टीवी सीरियल में ऐड होगा😊😊😊😊😊
@fabianzegarracervantes87485 ай бұрын
Ya están: los Simpson, padre de Familia, South Park, etc
@Sunomooon17 күн бұрын
چه زبون باحالی ، کنجکاوم کیبوردش چجوریه (میدونم ، میتونم سرچ کنم ولی حوصله ندارم )
@Anonimus-u3g5 ай бұрын
Здесь битва между поговорками: "На золотой лихорадке зарабатывают больше всего продавцы лопат" Vs "Если хочешь добиться успеха в будущем надо тратить деньги не на рыбу, а на удочку"
@marudhusteven15 күн бұрын
Poor becomes poorer Rick gets richer
@ArtixOficial18 күн бұрын
Bas Yahi Hota Hai Garibo Ke Sath, 😢
@Dv327682 күн бұрын
"99% of gamblers quit before they hit it big" ahh
@Burcea_Ionut_Vasile-20045 ай бұрын
Mining in Minecraft be like😂
@GopalRaviya5 ай бұрын
@РоманПетрович-й9ц5 ай бұрын
The only people who got rich from the gold rush were the tool dealers
@Joshua.triggerhappy21 күн бұрын
As an employee this makes me sad than make me laugh. Thanks for reminding me where Im at.😢
@مزهرالربيعي-ه5ش26 күн бұрын
There is a lesson not about idleness, people get tired and people find comfort😢
@dj-soxx93733 ай бұрын
When everyone turns to digging for gold, start selling shovels
So that's basically wall mart. They pay crappy wages forcing their employees to buy from their store.
@alexgred6720Ай бұрын
В золотую лихорадку разбогатели только те, кто продавал инвентарь лопаты ломы Кирка ⛏️
@juliancalderon78965 күн бұрын
Trabaja para disfrutar, no vivas para trabajar.
@juanrodolfoalvarez13575 ай бұрын
La prueba de trabajar INTELIGENTE y no DURO, por eso no siempre matarse estudiando te dara estavilidad economica.
@SABqyebffkxkfjz5 ай бұрын
Este comentario parece una viva representación de la fábula del zorro y las uvas. A lo que suenan tus palabras es a alguien que no quiso o no pudo tener una formación decente y se resiente y desdeña los esfuerzos de aquellos que si tuvieron la oportunidad o se esforzaron más en su día. (Sobre todo porque los que estudian son los que tienen mucha mayor probabilidad de tener un puesto de mayor responsabilidad aka jefes de equipo, de sección, managers, etc)
@marimeenakchi30005 ай бұрын
இப்படி தான்டா இருக்கும் பொழப்பு என்ன தான் கடினமான உழைத்தாலும் அதுக்காக பலனை உழைத்தவன் அனுபவித்தத விட வேர ஒருத்தன் அனுபவிப்பது 😢😢😥
@eusirogers38805 ай бұрын
Reminds me of pastors and his foollowers. 🐑 They always receive a word that will empty their pockets
@gurbajsingh04086 күн бұрын
The real meaning of this cartoon is when there's gold rush you don't wander to mine gold but sell Shovels so that people can mine gold and you would still make money.
@LalboiBaite-c1xАй бұрын
Where did bro kept the soil which he dig out 😐😐
@Itsofficial0035 ай бұрын
Which app is used to make a cartoon ❤❤ Love 😘😘 from India ❤❤
@trabadix5 ай бұрын
😂 wtf
@sumayohuseiN5 ай бұрын
@olusegunomosanya61662 ай бұрын
It is not possible to stay underneath earth for a long time
@ajaysawant7300Ай бұрын
One thing I want to share. It depends on the will of the person that he wants to work for someone or work big for oneself.
@anam_ki_duniya17 күн бұрын
This is corporate
@swapnadeepsarma1239 сағат бұрын
This is known as capitalism
@localhippies7 сағат бұрын
cause the monster running wild inside me 😂
@hamimislam91335 ай бұрын
Last means life is wife😅😂
@AnimeVampireFanGirl5 ай бұрын
I'm obsessed with this series, Even my Dad loves it 😂
@Сергей-ъ7л5 ай бұрын
Вся суть жизни за одну минуту 😢
@kaiheweekly69005 ай бұрын
It's very true 😢😢😢❤❤❤ meaningful video
@aktan4045 ай бұрын
Игроки хомяки тут есть 😂😂😂
@KelvinSimpokolwe-ju5eu4 ай бұрын
That left hand is so strong😂😂
@Akh2288Ай бұрын
دقیقا کسایی که دنبال طلا رفتن .چیزی بدست نیاوردن یا شاید اندکی .ولی اون کسی که بیل وکلنگ میفروخت به اونهایی که دنبال طلا بودن به ثروت رسید .البته اینی که گفتم مربوط به این کلیپ نیست .
@abhinavsingh.18184 ай бұрын
notice when the character does something crazy their one eye goes up and one down😂😂😂
@LivingViking3 ай бұрын
Never thought prospecting would be difficult like this😅
@amrollahhosseinkhani68574 ай бұрын
This is how selling on Amazon works. Amazon gets the gold.
@Mohamed-br5wu5 ай бұрын
Une très belle leçon de la vie !!!
@Mera2015 ай бұрын
Why there's no dinosaur skeleton under ground?
@DianaMmboga-s7u4 ай бұрын
This Parson is mad 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😮
@matheusfernando148417 күн бұрын
Quem trabalha, nao tem tempo de ganhar dinheiro
@dasambhahkipala57253 ай бұрын
Both men failed to help each other 1. The one who is digging should have invest or trade the small piece of gold to earn more profit.. 2. The man who is selling shovel and stuffs should gave gave him an idea how to make money
@noneedcaption48975 ай бұрын
💯% correct.. every Monthly salary employees life .. Hey guy's make a own business..❤❤
@Sergei-jb9ml3 ай бұрын
Короче надо не добывать золото а производить инструменты, короче не работать руками а головой)))
@voltage34495 ай бұрын
beard is black Hair blonde Ok👍🏻
@dsfg1239120 күн бұрын
That true story
@petermusamia67815 ай бұрын
It's strange how when he gets something at the same time the shovel had broken and the amount he gets only fits a new shovel is it nature that does that to us
@titangamer89665 ай бұрын
This is biasness 😅
@debibytaCordoba5 ай бұрын
Y uno contento con la nueva herramienta 😢 nos han chupado la sangre
@ИгорьСырянов5 ай бұрын
А ведь так оно и было. Во время золотой лихорадки на Аляске
@Ps1xKing4 ай бұрын
15÷4=3,75×8=30 kun yeydi
@shuvrole214116 күн бұрын
Капитализм во всей красе!!!
@VladicaStanojević-p4d5 ай бұрын
You mean this is John Deere
@manishchauhhan-wq7si4 ай бұрын
That how most of enterprenaur stolen the idea of someone's.😂
@shatell_team5 ай бұрын
Be a shovel seller when everyone is looking for treasure!❤
@agnaldoalves2283 ай бұрын
Como diz o ditado, arranca o coro e não vê o tesouro 😂
@amitkushwaha873115 күн бұрын
It's my story
@shivamagrawal1627 күн бұрын
During a gold rush, sell shovels!
@Tushi_music8 күн бұрын
When everyone digs for gold, sell shovels
@kouadioaboulaye62484 ай бұрын
C'est comme ça que l'Afrique est l'Europe
@MusicLife-bz4wu3 ай бұрын
what a great lesson for us, for me in my daily. Hmmm.. how i can believe that i can leave this way. thanks for your inspiration.
@albertcobbinah26444 ай бұрын
Betting explained in real life😂
@AntonDiachuk19 күн бұрын
That's not Minecraft. That's the Gold Miner game. Who played?
@CartoonWorldT14 ай бұрын
I wonder what is going on😅
@Spicy_gaming14235 ай бұрын
Haha I am just playing minecraft
@Puthran_Pavan3 ай бұрын
Inflation kills man😢
@lilys78332 ай бұрын
El empleado y el patrón 😢😂
@arafathawlader37263 ай бұрын
গরিবের কষ্ট কেউ বোঝেনা
@BuuFlex4 ай бұрын
Oh no why 😭😅😂😂!!!
@ДмитрийСидельников-е5п5 ай бұрын
Кто кирку продает тоже дрлжен обменять золото на материалы, для ее изготовления
@misticooficial84953 ай бұрын
La realidad del mundo los empleados priduciendo pa hacer a los jefes mas rico y el pobre esclavisado por diparate...el rico cada dia mas rico y el pobre jajajajjs.....😂
@nimaansari91004 ай бұрын
Trade like this 😂😂😂
@christofessig26645 ай бұрын
that literally went the way of all gold rushes
@habibjawadi76165 ай бұрын
زهن می تواند پول بی سازد ❤ اما تنها از زهمت کشیدن نمشود پولدار شد🎉
@CosminGritto-q5mАй бұрын
Bro he quickly gets old😂
@moodoffgamers71165 ай бұрын
Moral of the story... Scientists is not become a millioner But seller busssiness man can br more
@sidharathaggarwal11735 ай бұрын
This is how people works towards the government
@white-upple22 күн бұрын
The screenplay seems to have a deep meaning. 🫡
@sonof1306Ай бұрын
Oh my the live😢
This is the actual system of Africa, particularly Ghana 🇬🇭 😢very pitiful
@KrishnaMurthy-om6mm5 ай бұрын
This tells nobody knows... whatever u do struggle... only God can decide... Who can have enjoyment in the life...🤷
@MariaceciliaRañoa4 ай бұрын
I main he is crazy hehe
@mnamdari15234 ай бұрын
It reminds me of the hamster kombat😑
@johnbaptist54885 ай бұрын
best description of how, ministers, political leaders, and multi companies...used common man..